ফেইসবুক বন্ধ করতে পারছেন না? আপনি আপনার অ্যাকাউন্ট মুছে ফেলা ছাড়া নিজেকে রক্ষা করতে পারেন।

Alternative No. 1: Remove Facebook from apps

Step 1: Click on the down arrow button next to the question mark icon on the navigation bar.

Step 2: Click Settings.

Step 3: On the resulting “General Account Settings” page, click the “Apps” category in the menu on the left.Step 4: On the resulting page, locate “Apps, Websites and Plugins” listed under the apps and click the “Edit” button.Step 5: On the pop-up, click the blue “Disable Platform” button.


Alternative No. 2: Block specific data used by other apps

Step 1: Click on the down arrow button next to the question mark icon on the navigation bar.

Step 2: Click Settings.

Step 3: On the resulting “General Account Settings” page, click the “Apps” category in the menu on the left.

Step 4: On the resulting page, locate “App Others Use” and click the “Edit” button.

Step 5: On the pop-up window, choose the data you allow other people to bring with them in their apps.

Step 6: Click the blue “Save” button.



Alternative No. 3: Turn off Facebook’s data collection on other websites

Step 1: Click on the down arrow button next to the question mark icon on the navigation bar.

Step 2: Click Settings.

Step 3: On the resulting “General Account Settings” page, click the “Ads” category in the menu on the left.

Step 4: On the resulting “Your ad preferences” page, scroll down to “Ad Settings.”

Step 5: Switch on or off “Ads based on your use of websites and apps.”

Step 6: Switch on or off “Ads on apps and websites off of the Facebook Companies.”

Step 7: Choose “Only my friends” or “No One” for “Ads with your social actions.”

Step 8: While you’re here, scroll up to “Your information” and switch off the available settings to your preference.





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